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Asbestos Found in Claire's and Justice Products

Children and teens are being exposed to dangerous chemicals at a young age. Asbestos was found by the FDA in makeup sold at stores like Claire’s and Justice. Asbestos is a dangerous mineral that readily separates into long flexible fibers. It has been linked to medical issues like asbestosis, a lung disease, and certain types of cancers. In the 1970s, scientists found that inhalation of asbestos fibers can cause asbestosis, lung cancer, and other serious lung diseases. The health impacts were deemed so dangerous that in 1989 the US Government banned the manufacture, use, and export of most products made with asbestos (“What Is Asbestos? How Does It Cause Cancer?”). These dangerous chemicals have now resurfaced in everyday makeup products that are found at Claire’s and Justice stores (Kelly, 2019). These stores are popular and tailored to reach a wide scope of consumers, from young girls to adults. Harmful exposure to chemicals puts consumers at risk, and should not be occurring.

Kelly, C. (2019, Mar 05). FDA says tests confirm asbestos in makeup from claire's, justice. USA Today

“What Is Asbestos? How Does It Cause Cancer?” Mesothelioma Center - Vital Services for Cancer Patients


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