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  • sanah4112

Current Chemicals in Products are Unsafe for Consumers

The current chemicals used in many consumer products and manufacturing are not safe. For example, Danielle Knight, a writer for the Inter Press Service wrote, “Each year, thousands of new chemicals appear in the marketplace and, while they are screened for possible acute dangers to human health, including the ability to cause cancer, most of the synthetic insecticides and chemicals found in plastics are not screened for long-term impact” (Knight, 1999). New chemicals are only screened for possible “acute dangers”, meaning they are only screened for potential short term problems. This quote shows that many plastics are not screened for long term side effects and could contain dangerous chemicals. The unsafe use of certain chemicals in products is an example of social disorganization in sociology.

Knight, D. (1999). New health concerns over widely-used chemicals Retrieved from

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